NBA News

 Image result for rajon rondoUPDATE:  Rondo Denies Spitting, Says Paul Is No ‘Good Guy’ – Los Angeles Lakers guard Rajon Rondo on Tuesday continued to deny that he intentionally spit at Houston Rockets guard Chris Paul during Saturday’s brawl that resulted in suspensions for three players. Rondo again pointed to the fact that he was wearing a mouthguard, which would impact his ability to intentionally spit on someone, and said the league catered to Paul’s “good guy” image when deciding the length of the bans. “This is the only time I’m going to address this,” Rondo told ESPN on Tuesday. “I had a mouth-piece in my mouth and I [was] exasperated because I was about to tell him to ‘get the [expletive] out of here.’ “Look at my body language [in the video]. My hands on my hips. I turn away for a second. Look at Eric [Gordon] and Melo [Carmelo Anthony] in the video. If they saw me spit, they would have turned their face up or something. They had no reaction.”

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